rescued owl norfolk

rescued owl norfolk

Registered Charity 1168819
Norfolk and Suffolk
07914 661385
United Kingdom
30-96-17 67099268
Do you run a group?
Are you looking for speakers?
Meet Wibble, he is just one of the feathery gang that comes out with their falconer to give talks and demos.
We tell you all about the birds and the work that the charity does and give you some good ways in which we can all help out native raptors.
To book,
email us
at phoenix_rescue@hotmail.co.uk with your inquiry.
Not only are we committed to helping our wild birds of prey, but we also play an active role in the falconry community. Offering such services as beak trimming, furniture ( leather work ) and annual health checks means peace of mind for owners.
We also offer falconry training and have done so for quite a few years, falconry and rehabilitation go hand in hand and help in the understanding of our wild birds of prey, their behavior, and habitat.
If you are interested in booking any of the above services
contact us on the phone number above
or drop us an email

UPDATE 23-06-2024
Good morning kind supporters, as you all know we have been going through a big move and rebuild. Well, here we are. The big aviary block is partly rebuilt. It is with hugs and appreciation to an amazing gift that we received from an amazing supporter. Without that, we would never have been able to afford to get a builder to help get the aviary block and new office built.
We still have quite a way to go, but now that all of the captive birds have moved back into their aviaries, we can concentrate on getting the wildlife aviaries back up and running.
We have been a little quiet, which we apologize for, but we have most definitely been looking after many many wild casualties with many going back to where they were found. We have just been a little too busy to keep you all as up-to-date as usual.
The move and rebuild have cost a considerable amount of money, the weather has been unkind and shows have been canceled, but against all odds, we are moving forward for our amazing wild birds.
If you would like to donate to the continued work, then please check out our website for all donation details.
Thank you all for your kind support through a very difficult time.
Much love
Jo and the Phoenix team